2024 CIT Team
Crisis Intervention Team Volunteering FAQs
Question: Do I need to get a license in the state of Nevada to be on the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT)?
Answer: No, you do not. Though you may be a licensed therapist, when you are on the CIT you are triaging incidents, offering support, and being the patient’s advocate.
Question: Is there a specialized unit that deals with sexual and domestic violence?
Answer: Yes, we have Survivor Advocacy Teams
Question: Is there a specialized unit that deals with children and adolescents?
Answer: Yes
Question: Do the same people work on both teams?
Answer: They can. It depends on their training and background. SAT members have specific training in survivor advocacy.
Question: How many people are on the team and what are their professions?
Answer: As our city’s population has grown, so has the size of our response team. As of this writing, we have a team of about 90 valued and skilled volunteers, and 12 staff supervisors.
Question: What are the age ranges, gender identifications, and sexual orientations of team members?
Answer: They are all over the map both demographically and geographically, as a reflection of our population. Our team is comprised of 20-somethings to 70-somethings of all gender & sexual identifications.
Question: How many involuntary holds (Mental Health Crisis Hold) occur each year? What leads to them?
Answer: No one likes abrogating anyone’s rights involuntarily, and fortunately through appropriate response and care by our professional and medical staff these instances are low (typically under 5 per year). We aim to ensure the safety of our BRC population.
Question: Do team members have to do physical take-downs or restrain people?
Answer: No
Question: Do I have to camp with the team?
Answer: No. But we do care about your personal social support on-playa, so we hope you camp with an awesome crowd!
Question: Does the team have a central location or station?
Answer: No. There is no physical MHB station to report to. We do meet for daily briefings, however.
Question: How does the team get to calls?
Answer: Our trusted bike-steeds!
Question: Where do I work during my shift?
Answer: During your shift, you are on call for 24 hours and carry a radio and pager. During that time you are free to go about your regular BRC activities. Just be in good sober condition and well-rested to go on a call and be able to travel on a bicycle to the location of a call when paged.
Question: Do I have to be with my team during the entire time I am working?
Answer: No. That’s the cool thing about having our alpha-numeric text pager and a radio. We call you to where and when we need you.
Question: Do I need a uniform?
Answer: All ESD staff are issued distinctive shirts and identification, which you are only allowed to wear when on duty. This helps all of us to identify ESD staff on the scene.